IPU Sakura Day 2024

It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at SAKURA DAY enjoying the beautiful weather, the cherry blossoms and festivities on our campus!
With spring in full bloom plus the many sights and sounds to behold, we also had the privilege of having His Worship, the Mayor Grant Smith, address us during the opening ceremony.
Furthermore, to have Mr. Hiroshi Ohashi, the President of Soshi Gakuen New Zealand Incorporated and founder of IPU New Zealand present was a truly special moment and fitting to have him closing out the event with words of sincerity. This was also reiterated by IPU New Zealand’s new President Chris Collins shortly after.
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Many thanks are due to all our dedicated IPU New Zealand staff, students and volunteers for making SAKURA DAY a successful and memorable one. We couldn't have done it without you!
And not to forget the Palmerston North City Council for their ongoing support, the IPU New Zealand Kodama Japanese Drum Team, all our talented performers, food vendors, NZ Police and St.John. You're all superstars!
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