A colourful new career for IPU New Zealand graduate, Dr Amita Fotedar

On 9 February 2019, IPU New Zealand graduate Dr Amita Fotedar had her new business endorsed by Wellington mayor, Honourable Justin Lester and Member of Parliament Paul Eagle at the Holi Wellington Colour Fest 2019.
Amita graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma of International Studies from IPU New Zealand in 2017. After graduating, she had the idea of setting up with the goal of conserving nature and promoting a sustainable lifestyle for New Zealanders.
Inspired by her studies at IPU New Zealand, Amita started Erda as an online sustainable business to market green beauty and home care products that endorse a natural way of life, whilst protecting the environment. She chose to launch her website at Holi Wellington Colour Fest 2019 because Holi is the Indian festival of colour and celebration. “It’s a time for people of all ages and cultures to have fun and look forward to a colourful, exciting future. Erda is all about taking care of ourselves and Mother Earth, as well as celebrating nature’s gift to humanity,” says Amita.
The Erda team enjoyed themselves immensely at the festival, particularly its main draw of throwing flour-based, non-toxic colour on each other. After meeting Mr Lester and Mr Eagle, Amita and her team mates joined in with other festival-goers tasting delicious ethnic cuisine and dancing to music played by local DJs from the Indian and wider communities. You can tell from the photos that it was marvelously memorable launch for a business that prides itself on its eco-friendly marvels.