An English language teaching qualification that opens doors around the world

With two billion people expected to be using or learning English by 2020, the need for teachers with high quality, internationally accepted English language teaching qualifications has never been greater. IPU New Zealand offers one of the world’s most recognised English language teacher training courses, the Trinity College London Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL).
The programme can be undertaken as a stand-alone course or as part of IPU New Zealand’s Bachelor of Contemporary International Studies. In March 2018, eleven trainees embarked on this five-week course to gain the basic knowledge and skills they needed to plan lessons, teach English language skills, design learning materials, manage classes, and obtain their first ESOL teaching job.
Dr Elizaveta Tarasova, the CertTESOL co-ordinator, explains that the course is perfect for new teacher trainees with no or little experience. “The CertTESOL further enhances our students’ career prospects upon graduation. Trainees get real-world teaching experience during the course, teaching learners from a range of ages, language levels, and cultural backgrounds,” says Dr Tarasova.