Reopening of IPU’s T Block classrooms

Friday the 6th of April 2018 saw the grand reopening of T-Block at IPU New Zealand. After many months of refurbishment and upgrading, the modern classrooms can now be used for our new students, giving them the best environment for their education. The upgrade also saw a revamped student study hall with more private study desks, as well as informal lounge zones where students can relax and catch up on their work in comfort.
Students and staff were welcomed on the Friday morning by IPU New Zealand cultural advisors who performed a karakia to bless the building, before welcoming everyone with a waiata. The student council then assembled to officially cut the ribbon and declare the building open for all. The large crowd of staff and students were then allowed to wander through T-block and take in all the changes to the décor. The IPU New Zealand Taiko Drum team also entertained the crowd outside, performing their impressive drum routines.
It was a great turn out of staff, students and invited guests to see for themselves the commitment to education that IPU New Zealand invests in its students. It was certainly a great start to the 2018 year. Ako pai—learn well!