IPU New Zealand Lecturers have Journal Article and Book Published
This month IPU New Zealand celebrates the successes of two of its faculty members having academic works published. Postgraduate Programme Coordinator Dr. Rashid Ameer's journal article FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS, DEBT OVERHANG AND CORPORATE INVESTMENT: A PANEL SMOOTH TRANSITION REGRESSION APPROACH was published in the Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance. Lecturer Dr. Farzana Gounder's book Narrative and Identity Construction in the Pacific Islands was also put to print this month.

Dr. Rashid obtained his PhD in Finance from Aston University, United Kingdom. He has been teaching levels 5, 6, and 7 papers for the international business major and level 8 and 9 papers for the postgraduate programmes at IPU New Zealand for three years. His research and teaching interests are corporate finance, international finance, international business, international marketing, corporate governance, corporate sustainability and social responsibility. He has successfully supervised one PhD thesis and 13 Masters dissertations/research papers in both Malaysia and New Zealand over the past five years.
Dr. Rashid's journal article can be viewed here.

Farzana Gounder holds a PhD from Massey University and she recently completed her Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Waikato. Her research areas include narrative analysis, discourse and identity, and transnationalism. A recent area of interest is the narrative and metaphoric constructions of illness, wellness and healing in Fiji. Her other publications include Indentured identities: Resistance and accommodation in plantation-era Fiji (2011) and a chapter in the forthcoming book Intersections. She is currently editing a special edition of NZ Linguistic Society's official journal, Te Reo, on narrative perceptions and practices across New Zealand academic disciplines as well as working on articles looking at the representation of health in Pacific news. At IPU New Zealand, she teaches linguistics, quantitative and qualitative research methods, English skills, and TESOL.
Dr. Farzana's book Narrative and Identity Construction in the Pacific Islands can be viewed here.
Congratulations to Dr. Rashid and Dr. Farzana!
Congratulations to Dr. Rashid and Dr. Farzana!
Dr Rashid Ameer's article.pdf (0.65MB)